SCHOTT Integrity Helpline

SCHOTT’s corporate culture is characterized by responsibility and mutual respect for our employees and business partners. Compliance with laws, standards, and internal guidelines has the highest priority. To enable us to remedy grievances immediately to effectively avoid damage to SCHOTT, our employees and business partners, we depend on being notified immediately of potential (legal) violations and violations of internal regulations.

A worldwide whistleblowing system is available for this purpose. If there is a suspicion of possible compliance violations against laws, the SCHOTT Code of Conduct or SCHOTT internal regulations committed by SCHOTT employees in connection with their employment or third parties, then employees, business partners and other third parties can report these through the following channels: 


1. Direct contact with the Compliance Office
(email or personal approach of Compliance Office employees)

2. Web-based whistleblowing system
Accessible worldwide, (please note local web-based whistleblowing-system for SCHOTT North America).
In a simple and non-traceable way, it is also possible to communicate anonymously with the Compliance Office during the entire process if desired (link to the entry form).

3. Additional local reporting channels 

SCHOTT Sites worldwide (except Asia/North America):

Ombudsperson (Attorneys at Law): Dr. Caroline Jacob / Dr. Rainer Buchert
Kaiserstrasse 22, 60311 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 69 71033330 / +49 (0) 6105 921355
Fax: +49 (0) 69 71034444


Ombudsperson (Attorney at Law) Marian Ho
80 Raffles Place, #33-00 UOB Plaza 1, 048624 Singapore
Phone; +65 6885 3610

SCHOTT Sites North America (USA/Canada/Mexico):

  • North America’s Compliance Phone Hotline (24/7)
    • United States or Canada: 1-800-462-9061
    • Mexico:1-800-681-6513
  • North Americas web-based whistleblowing system managed by SCHOTT Legal North America: link to the entry form
  • Direct contact to SCHOTT Legal North America: email or personal approach

In case you would like to submit a report locally at site, please contact your HR department for more information. 


If you have any questions regarding the use of the whistleblowing system, here are a number of frequently asked questions:


What type of information can I share with the whistleblowing system?

The main purpose of the whistleblowing system is to accept information on compliance issues that have the potential to inflict severe damage. Potential damage can affect both the respective employees (e.g. severe cases of mobbing or discrimination) and the company (e.g. financial losses or damage to its reputation as a result of criminal offenses such as bribery, disloyalty, fraud, tax offenses, or antitrust violations), as well as business partners.
Only specific information on compliance violations will be accepted. 


What topics does the whistleblowing system cover?

The Compliance Office and the ombudspersons do not perform customer service tasks. They are there to receive information on potential violations of law and SCHOTT internal regulations. If you have a problem with your delivery or similar, please get in touch with your usual SCHOTT contact.


What are the responsibilities of the ombudspersons and third-party operators?

The duties of the ombudspersons and operators include the following:

  • Acceptance of confidential information.
  • Advising the informant on what will happen next.
  • Writing and forwarding a report to the respective SCHOTT reporting channels (in anonymized form if desired).
  • To act as a “link” between SCHOTT and the informant/s while the matter is being investigated.To share the outcome of proceedings with the informant.


Who has access to my message?

Confidentiality is maintained throughout the entire process. In this context, the reporting offices treat the identity of the person providing the information, the persons who are the subject of a report, and the other persons named in the report as confidential. The identity becomes known only to the person responsible for receiving the report or for taking follow-up action. 

At the request of the person providing the information, the report can also be submitted anonymously.


Can there be negative consequences if I share information via the whistleblowing system?

In principle, no. You should not be afraid of any negative consequences simply because you provided information. The exception is if you deliberately misused the whistleblowing system. For instance, to wrongly accuse employees or other business partners.


What happens after I have passed on information through the whistleblowing system?

For more information on the procedure after receiving the report and the protection of the whistleblower, lease refer to the process description in the download section.


What other channels can be used to submit a report?

Reports can also be addressed to external reporting channels (e.g. authorities). In Germany, for example, these are the Federal Office of Justice, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority and the Federal Cartel Office.