Technical Details of Lithium Ion Battery Protectors

Surface mount SEFUSE® D6S battery fuses cut off circuits in the event of overcurrent and overcharging, helping to prevent fires caused by overheating, while SEREB® thermal battery protection switches interrupt current flow in the event of a device overheating, or when overcurrent causes abnormal heat levels. 

Features of SCHOTT Battery Protectors

SEFUSE® battery fuses

SEFUSE® D6S battery fuses are surface mount devices, enabling thin and compact designs. SCHOTT offers product variations in accordance with requirements for different package sizes and rated current values. Our product line includes battery fuses compatible with up to 14 cells.

SEREB® thermal battery protection switches

SEREB® thermal battery protection switches are composed of elements using anti-corrosion materials known as 'bimetal'. In combination with its airtight construction, this material enables exceptional durability of the bimetal switch.

SEFUSE® D6S battery fuses product table

SCHOTT offers a wide range of battery fuses manufactured in accordance with varying package sizes and rated current.


SEFUSE D6S Battery Fuse product table_English

SEFUSE® D6S battery fuses - Ratings

SEFUSE D6S Battery Fuse rating table_English


Dimension / Wiring Diagram

SEFUSE D6S Battery Fuse Dimension / Wiring Diagram_English

SEREB® thermal battery protection switch - Ratings


SEREB data table_English

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