ViewPort® and ViewCell™

Product variants of ViewPort® and ViewCell™

Reliable measurements are crucial to improve the safety, quality, and productivity of biomanufacturing. SCHOTT’s optical interfaces enable future-proof sterile bioproduction with seamless scalability from laboratory to production. ViewPort® and ViewCell™ models include multi-use and single-use options.

ViewPort® PG13.5

ViewPort® PG13.5

Designed for multi-use glass bioreactors, the ViewPort® PG13.5 is typically used for process development. It can be safely and easily screwed onto a standard PG13.5 port.
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  • ViewPort® PG13.5
  • ViewPort® PG13.5
  • ViewPort® PG13.5


This PAT component provides a sterile and safe interface for in-situ process monitoring with optical sensors. The ViewPort® PG 13.5 variant is autoclavable together with the bioreactor assembly.
The materials used are in accordance with pharma industry best practices.


  • Enables in-situ measurements without the need to open the bioreactor, thus contributing to a reduced risk of contamination and optimized yield

  • Allows to flexibly exchange probes during cultivation

ViewPort® Ingold

ViewPort® Ingold

For well-established stainless steel bioreactor systems, SCHOTT offers the ViewPort® Ingold variant. This standard multi-use PAT component is mounted to the Ingold port, supporting continuous control of pilot and production-scale bioprocesses.
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  • ViewPort® Ingold
  • ViewPort® Ingold
  • ViewPort® Ingold


The sterile sensor interface features a hermetically sealed optical window for the continuous measurement of process parameters. It is conveniently sterilizable using steam-in-place (SIP) or clean-in-place (CIP). All materials used are in accordance with pharma hygienic design requirements.



  • Enhances in-situ monitoring of bioprocesses under sterile conditions

  • Supports productivity by enabling automation and real-time adjustments

  • Enables convenient sensor integration for bioprocesses

ViewPort® Single Use

ViewPort® Single Use

ViewPort® sensor interfaces are also available for single-use bioreactors or mixing units. They can be attached to single-use bags using plastic welding.
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  • ViewPort® Single Use
  • ViewPort® Single Use


This PAT component acts as sterile interface for optical sensors and enables in-situ process monitoring in single-use applications. It is sterilized together with the single-use bag using γ-radiation or x-ray. All used materials support compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).



  • Allows reliable integration of optical process control in single-use bioreactor bags

  • Enables in-line control and adjustment of processes, thus supporting optimized yield

  • Enhances automation for continuous processing



Thanks to its hermetically sealed optical window, the sterilizable ViewCell™ flow cell maintains sterile integrity when integrated directly into the product stream for in-line measurements via connected optical sensors or spectrometers. The flow cell is ideal for downstream bioprocessing in multi- and single-use setups.
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  • ViewCell™
  • ViewCell™
  • ViewCell™
  • ViewCell™


ViewCell™ flow cells can be integrated into purification units, between filtration units and buffer tanks, or used in the formulation unit. They can also enable monitoring in the cell retention unit and in the perfusion system.

The ViewCell™ is made from a sapphire window, sealing glass, and premium steel - materials that conform to  pharma industry best practices. The flow cell can be sterilized with processing piping and other equipment.

For single-use applications, flow cell variants are available pre-sterilized (autoclaved). Correlated radiation-sterilized fittings can be attached in a clean room.



  • Reduces the need for buffer tanks and physical sampling during downstream processing

  • Optimizes product stream for continuous processing

  • Facilitates flexible exchange of optical sensors or spectrometers

  • Increases safety of bioproduction

Want to know more? Let's talk

Whether you need more information, samples, a quote, or advice for a project, I would be delighted to talk to you.

Contact us
Christian Ott, Manager R&D Biotech and Life Sciences
Christian Ott

Head of R&D Biotech