SCHOTT headquarters in Mainz at night


SCHOTT AG is headed by the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board. The Board of Management manages the company. The Supervisory Board appoints, monitors and advises the Board of Management.
Management Board

Management Board

Dr. Torsten Derr

Dr. Torsten Derr

Chairman of the Management Board

Dr. Andrea Frenzel

Dr. Andrea Frenzel

Member of the Management Board

Dr. Heinz Kaiser

Dr. Heinz Kaiser

Member of the Management Board

Marcus Knöbel

Marcus Knöbel

Member of the Management Board

Group Picture SCHOTT Management Board. From left to right: Dr. Andrea Frenzel, CFO Marcus Knöbel, CEO Dr. Torsten Derr and Dr. Heinz Kaiser.

The SCHOTT Management Board. From left to right: Dr. Andrea Frenzel, CFO Marcus Knöbel, CEO Dr. Torsten Derr and Dr. Heinz Kaiser.

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board 

The Supervisory Board of SCHOTT AG comprises 12 members and in accordance with the German Codetermination Act consists in equal parts of shareholder (Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung) representatives - elected by the shareholders meeting - and employee representatives.

Members of the Supervisory Board

Michael Bolle, Chairman of the Shareholder Council of the Carl Zeiss Foundation, Heidenheim an der Brenz and Jena.
Works Council at the Landshut site.
Vice Chairman and CEO, Dräxlmaier Group, Vilsbiburg.
Former CEO P&G Personal Healthcare International, Genf.
Former President Group Research, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen.
Chief People Officer, Viessmann Generations Group, Munich.
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Board, MANN+HUMMEL, Ludwigsburg.
Works Council at the Mitterteich site.
Works Council at the Mainz site.
Vice President Marketing and Communication, SCHOTT AG, Mainz.
Global Sales Director Pharmaceutical Tubing, Mitterteich
Regional Manager Mainz of the Industrial Trade Union of Mining, Chemicals and Energy (IG BCE).
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