LED Fiber Lighting Module

Applications of LED Fiber Lighting Modules

The SCHOTT® LED Fiber Lighting Module (FLM 4) platform delivers the most efficient coupling of LED light into small-size fiber optic bundles. This makes FLM 4 an excellent choice for medical procedures such as endoscopies and laryngoscopies, which require smaller light guides with active diameters from 3-5 mm.
Two male surgeons with glasses looking down

Precise surgical procedures

Unfailing accuracy is critical in surgical procedures to ensure optimal medical outcomes and patient safety, so surgeons demand extreme-intensity lighting to assist them. SCHOTT® LED Fiber Lighting Modules offer powerful optics to illuminate small cavities for successful high-precision operations.

Male surgeon behind a series of endoscopes in a hospital operating theater

Accurate endoscopic treatment

Integrated into endoscopes, the FLM 4 system features glass optical fibers with different aperture angles, which evenly illuminate various cavities inside the body – a prerequisite for accurate examination. These features also form the foundation of a variety of illumination methods for contrasting tissue types, as well as a growing number of fluorescence techniques.

Female scientist working with diagnostics equipment in a laboratory

Advanced diagnostics

To achieve accurate diagnoses, today’s laboratories require clinical diagnostic devices to be equipped with cutting-edge fiber optic lighting systems. The FLM 4 platform is ideal for this application, with the capability to support new diagnostic procedures such as optical biopsies for the early detection of cancer.

Want to know more? Let’s talk

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