Man with a coffee cup

The Receptionist

Our entertaining series about the ultimate glass lover
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Every company needs heroes. We have many of them.

Over 17,000 employees work every day to making the seemingly impossible possible. Fritz Klein, our receptionist, also wants to live up to this claim.

The social media series "The Receptionist" shows the quirky adventures of Fritz, our receptionist who always goes the extra mile. German actor and comedian Michael Kessler slips into the role of the fictional character who has ruled SCHOTT's reception for 30 years. Firmly convinced that he is a great-great-great-grandson of Otto Schott, he never misses an opportunity to express his enthusiasm for specialty glass, high-tech materials and the achievements of SCHOTT.

Even if he is not actively involved in the development of world-changing materials, he is one of us. Someone who is always there with drive and passion and lives through situations that seem impossible.

Jumpmark - Meet the receptionist

What Fritz adores: Our specialty glass masterpieces

Gloves hold a structured glass wafer made with SCHOTT FLEXINITY®.


The SCHOTT FLEXINITY® portfolio is a revolution in thin and ultra-thin glass structuring, capable of carrying any design or shape you can think of. Give us an idea and we will create it. Crazy what we produce here, huh?

Tiny, tiny holes
An Asian woman looks at a cover glass sample

Cover glass

Will there ever be unbreakable glass? We are certainly working on it. With our break resistant Xensation® α (Alpha) cover glass, we have come a lot closer to this vision. We are proud to provide users with a safe feeling in everyday life with this high-performance cover glass, for example in premium vivo models.

Made to survive
Scientist with gloves bends wafer-thin glass

Flexible glass

The idea for flexible glass may not be based on a cheese sandwich – as Fritz claims – but the result is the same: ultra-thin glass (SCHOTT UTG®) that’s incredibly thin and bendable. Branded as SCHOTT Xensation® Flex, it’s a crucial component of the latest foldable smartphones loved by Fritz and #glasslovers everywhere.

Can you bend it?
An astronaut stands on the surface of an obscure planet

SCHOTT glass in space

For centuries, humans have sought to uncover the secrets of the universe. At SCHOTT, Fritz is on his own path to discovery. We supply the astronomy and space sectors with specialty glass products that have applications in satellites, rockets, ground stations, and telescopes, among others. Together with our partners in the industry, we are making a new era in space exploration a reality.

Ready to look into space?
Gloves hold a structured glass wafer made with SCHOTT FLEXINITY®.


The SCHOTT FLEXINITY® portfolio is a revolution in thin and ultra-thin glass structuring, capable of carrying any design or shape you can think of. Give us an idea and we will create it. Crazy what we produce here, huh?

Tiny, tiny holes
An Asian woman looks at a cover glass sample

Cover glass

Will there ever be unbreakable glass? We are certainly working on it. With our break resistant Xensation® α (Alpha) cover glass, we have come a lot closer to this vision. We are proud to provide users with a safe feeling in everyday life with this high-performance cover glass, for example in premium vivo models.

Made to survive