A range of compressor terminals by SCHOTT

CompRite™ Compressor Terminals

Compressor terminals supply electricity to compressors in applications such as refrigeration, chilling, and air conditioning. Compressor terminals prevent refrigerant leakage and maintain hermeticity under adverse operating conditions to support efficient and reliable functionality of compressors. 

Three SCHOTT Automotive Air Conditioning Compressor Terminals with ceramic, glass and rubber insulation

Industry-leading designs

SCHOTT has manufactured highly reliable terminals for refrigeration and air conditioning compressors for more than 50 years. Based on our wealth of expertise, SCHOTT utilizes advanced manufacturing processes with high-quality materials to produce terminals that meet customer requirements.

Diagram of the components of a SCHOTT Compressor Terminal

High reliability with uncompromised hermeticity

SCHOTT’s compressor terminals are made using hermetic compression glass-to-metal sealing technology. Our components deliver durable gas-tightness that's maintained even under extreme environmental conditions, such as high temperature, pressure, humidity, and vibration.

A range of SCHOTT Compressor Terminals

Product variants

SCHOTT’s advanced designs meet stringent requirements for compressors, including long-term reliability and hermeticity. SCHOTT offers a wide range of compressor terminal options based on specific application needs, such as refrigeration, air conditioning (including automotive a/c), industrial compressors, and compressors utilizing CO2 refrigerant.

More about variants
SCHOTT Compressor Terminal for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Three SCHOTT Automotive Air Conditioning Compressor Terminals
SCHOTT CO2 Compressor Terminal
SCHOTT semi-hermetic screw compressor

Want to know more? Let’s talk

Whether you need more information, samples, a quote, or advice for a project, we would be delighted to talk to you.

Contact us
Man in glasses in business office on phone while working on laptop"
Mizuho Nakashima

Head of Sales Compressor Seal