NOVOLAY® secure and PYRANOVA® secure

Technical Details of NOVOLAY® secure and PYRANOVA® secure

PYRANOVA® secure and NOVOLAY® secure have unique technical properties that meet the requirements of the most stringent of tests to achieve some of the highest standards in safety glass. These include exacting E and EI standards for fire resistance, as well as high impact, manual attack and bullet resistance.

The ultimate glass barrier against fire and attack

Fire resistance meets impact resistance

PYRANOVA® secure takes the advanced EI standard protection against fire, heat and radiation achieved by PYRANOVA® glass and combines it in a compact, multi-pane composite glass package to add EN 356 levels of impact resistance and bullet resistance in accordance with EN 1063

Transparent and stable performance in any environment

NOVOLAY® secure maintains impressive levels of transparency, offering outstanding optical quality while meeting EN356 and EN 1063 standards of impact and bullet resistance.

Light weight, lower thickness, high strength

PYRANOVA® secure and NOVOLAY® secure offer lower thicknesses and weight compared to other glass composites. NOVOLAY® secure is available in a wide range of thicknesses from as low as 10 mm, and with the highest standards of impact and bullet resistance (up to P8B and BR7).

Life-saving heat resistance

Fire resistance in a modern building goes beyond simply protecting against fire. PYRANOVA® secure meets the requirements of fire resistance class EI to protect against the passage of fire, hot gases and smoke for up to two hours, as well as protecting people and property from harmful heat radiation.

NOVOLAY® secure

Chart showing the physical properties of NOVOLAY® secure and ISO NOVOLAY® secure glasses

NOVOLAY® secure – suitable for panic doors

Chart showing the physical properties of NOVOLAY® secure for panic doors

PYRANOVA® secure

Chart showing the physical properties of PYRANOVA® secure

PYRANOVA® secure – suitable for panic doors

Chart showing the physical properties of PYRANOVA® secure for panic doors

NOVOLAY® secure and PYRANOVA® secure – consecutive multiple attacks

SCHOTT’s safety laminates offer the possibility to reliably protect buildings against multiple and combined attacks. Such situations may occur, for example, if the panes are first attacked by fire and then shot at. PYRANOVA® secure and NOVOLAY® secure laminates successfully withstand simultaneous attacks: A glass laminate damaged by shot will still provide reliable protection against fire. In the same manner, the laminated panel will still stand up to bullet attack after being exposed to fire.


Fire protection1 after bullet resistance2

Chart showing the physical properties of PYRANOVA® secure for  consecutive multiple attacks


Bullet resistance2 after fire protection1,3

Chart showing the physical properties of PYRANOVA® secure for  consecutive multiple attacks


Explosion resistance4 after ballistic attack2

Chart showing the physical properties of PYRANOVA® secure for  consecutive multiple attacks


Fire protection1 after ballistic attack2 and explosion resistance4

Chart showing the physical properties of PYRANOVA® secure for  consecutive multiple attacks

Want to know more? Let’s talk

Whether you need more information, samples, a quote, or advice for a project, we would be delighted to talk to you.

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