Product Variants of PYRANOVA®

The highly versatile SCHOTT PYRANOVA® has a product variant that offers enhanced levels of fire protection and other features. SCHOTT ISO PYRANOVA® has all the benefits of PYRANOVA®, including heat and sound insulation, as well as an attractive design, but in a double-glazed unit.
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SCHOTT ISO PYRANOVA® is available as a double-glazed unit, which increases the strength and performance of PYRANOVA®. Benefits include strong heat and sound insulation plus anti-glare and sun protection.


ISO PYRANOVA® functions as double glazing to provide an exceptional level of heat and sound insulation. It can also offer sun protection while maintaining high light transmission, as well as anti-glare protection if coated. This helps to achieve optimum energy efficiency to create a calm, controlled and economical space. 


  • High levels of heat insulation with low e coatings result in a g-value of 54 %.
  • Outstanding sound reductions.
  • Fire resistance class EI 30 - EI 90.

Want to know more? Let’s talk

Whether you need more information, samples, a quote, or advice for a project, we would be delighted to talk to you.

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